Sunday 14 August 2011


So now I'm exactly one month post op. Things are going well, really well. Perhaps a little too well as this last week I am completely over doing things every day - maybee this is because I am feeling so good and havn't felt this way in a long time. I can actually get through the day now without feeling nauseas, unwell and fatigued. A little tired and achy legs - but this is very do-able. The site from the op is looking good with minimal swelling. I have got good movement from my arm as I religiously do physio exercises daily. Things must be good when I forget to take my meds as I am not constantly reminded to take them due to pain/nausea etc. 

I got 'marked up' (permanent tattoos to mark the exact site for treatment) the other day for the start of radiotherapy - which is starting in a couple of weeks. I have been forwarned that the most common side-effect is tiredness - no change there then! I think this is also in the back of my mind which is another reason why I try to cram in as much as I can within each day.

I will have radiotherapy every weekday for 3 weeks when this starts whilst intravenous treatment continues for herceptin. Once radiotherapy is over I will have a 5-year course of daily tamoxifen tablets. As well as regular check-ups I finally feel that treatment is progressing well, and there is not only a light but a whole world out there at the end of my tunnel. I really can't believe how different I feel to just a few short weeks and months ago. Sometimes, despite all the proverbial that life throws at you (and believe me, we have had our fair share of it) to keep on going is the toughest thing in the world. But with a little encouragement and much soul-searching you come out the other end a better and stronger person. As so many people have previously told me that these adversities only happen to people who are stong enough to deal with them.

RIP - Hugh. I only met you a few times, but you will be remembered.

My wish and hope is for more research and finance to be able to find a permanent cure as this disease is affecting too many innocent victims and their families.