Tuesday 19 April 2011

In There Somewhere

Well, thats how I feel - in there somewhere. After the second round of chemotherapy I feel as I am just existing - not really living. Think thats more to do with the anti-sickness drugs I have been given as they are making me feel extremely drowsy and out-of-sorts. Just feel nothing really. No 'what shall I do today', no real conversation, just time to get up, time for lunch/dinner etc. I am not going to take my evening anti-sickness drug which really does knock me out (which I can take as and when required) to see if I can buck myself up a little tomorrow - so we'll wait and see. Also have a cracking headache - perhaps tension from kids being off from half term?

Going for a wig fitting tomorrow - after saying 'no' initially. Changed my mind however when I saw ladies undergoing chemo with what I thought was a full head of hair! Don't know what to expect so I'll take things as they come. Will be quite welcome as my hair was falling out fast - thought I could cope with this gradual hair loss until complete baldness but after seeing patches of baldness knew I couldn't continue with this so got the other half to shave off the remaining hair. Was a decision not taken lightly. But I feel immensly better for it - stopped my scalp feeling extremely sore as well as the loose hair continually itching and falling around my shoulders.  Feeling quite low at the moment so hopefully tomorrow will be a better day - and being able to obtain a full head of hair!

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