Monday 2 May 2011

Life so far...

I havn't blogged for some time now - that I am very aware. But after bumping into a friend today who gave me a bit of a telling off saying she had been waiting for some time for the latest installment as the blog is better than Eastenders I thought I'd better get into action!

Life has been extremely up and down. I have chemo once every 3 weeks - and for the first 5-7 days after chemo I experience bouts of nausea, agitation, extreme tiredness, very dry mouth, headaches, and feeling not being able to function well at all. So far I have had 2 sessions of chemo (called cycles) with my third cycle due this coming Friday. During the rest of the time I slowly return to normality, and generally the third week prior to the next cycle I feel completely ok. It is during this time I feel at my best, able to cope with most things so have taken to studying extensively and completing my nursing workbooks, housework, cooking and gardening - and as I feel ok seem to completely overdo things! As I feel good and well the last weekend prior to the next cycle, the family plan fun days out - we went to Alton Towers Friday last week and although it was a very long day we all had a superb time - (had to tie my head scarf on very tightly when we went on Rita - those who have experienced the ride will know what I mean!)

Whilst out and about today I came across a very old friend - after one look confirmed that she also was going through the same journey, albeit a different diagnosis that still encompassed chemo. After talking with my friend for a few minutes I found myself in uncontrollable floods of tears - how many more of us are out there having no choice but to go through invasive and quite frankly wouldn't-normally-touch-it-with-a-bargepole treatments that results in very nasty and lasting side-effects?  I feel angry that this is effecting too many good people. My friend did make me laugh though when others had told her to 'enjoy and be positive with your journey' - to which she retorted thanks, but you can leave your journey, I'd rather not go anywhere!

After going for that wig fitting a few weeks ago I now own my own wig - to the cost of £61.50 plus £14.00 for excessories. Have worn it a few times around town but after no-one recognises me (short stylish 2-tone bob style - completely different to my old hair style) so have taken to wearing my headscarf. So, if anyone spots a woman in a complete daze being not quite one hundred percent with a short-bob hair around town - please stop me and say hello!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sian

    I think you're amazingly brave and so frank to be able to tell us all what you're going through. I get updates from Jo and Leanne sometimes but would love to see you as its been a very long time. I miss my massages too and well if YOU ever want a hand massage or foot massage then let me know - they're very therapeutic apparently lol! I will look out for you in town albeit in your 'disguise'! Glad you had a good time at Alton Towers - my fave theme park - many good times there with Ryan! :-)

    If you would like to get in touch then please do - 0772 400 4028 looking forward to seeing you soon, love Megan xx
