Tuesday 8 March 2011

Mentally preparing...

Well, Monday went off to a cracking start with cleaning the entire house top to bottom (as best as I could). Hey - I remember this feeling of nesting - but this time it is for completely different circumstances, as I know this type of activity will not be on the cards for months to come. When my 13 year old son came home from school asking to cut the grass (for a couple of pounds!) I surprised myself with this nesting instinct that continued by tidying around the garden too! Didn't sleep too well that night as for some reason short hair-do's was running through my mind ten to the dozen. Tuesday was at a slower pace mainly as I was completely exhaused from previous day's activities as well as tired from lack of sleep. Saw the plastic surgeon - believe it or not on time - and confirmed the surgery procedure I am having. Dates for the op are looking more like Monday next week but may be put back to the following week if necessary. I feel totally fed-up now with the wait and just want to get on with it all. However, on the other hand I am also aware from the date of the op starts a whole new everything including permanent change - and this feels like doomsday until complete recovery. Booked an appointment for the hairdressers for tomorrow and now feel quite nervous about this too although as a trusty friend advised me this was my part in taking control of the situation.

By the way - how's this for coincidence - Monday morning after washing my hair I went through the usual procedure of strightening it for what would be the very last time before getting my hair cut. This included the usual dropping of my strighteners as they often slip out of my hands. I have had these strighteners for the best part of 8 years without any fault or broken parts. However, that morning when I retrieved the strighteners from the floor after nearly finishing my hair I noticed that I had actually broken them!! The second very spooky coincidence occurred this morning (Tuesday) on my way to the hospital - after reading up on the side effects of chemo with gum disease I took the general advice of seeing a dentist prior to treatments and I booked a dentist appointment at lunchtime today. As we walked towards the clinic in the morning I felt crumbling from the tooth of concern to find the filling from that tooth had actually come away.  Is fate telling me something? They say these type of things occur in three's - not sure I want to know what is in store for me now - unless, of course it involves extra helpings of that georgous Thornton's ice-cream as the last lot for some reason has been eaten!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hair raising times!

    OK, I’m sitting here knowing that at the same time, Sian is undergoing the first major operation of this battle – right now, the hair is being cut!

    It is such a strange feeling, I’m really excited and looking forward to getting home tonight to see the results, I know it is going to look fantastic, it will be like having a whole new missus! But, there are still the pangs of worry – will Sian like the new look and how will she react to it. I just hope that she does like it and that the reaction is an overwhelming seal of approval. I know she will be texting me afterwards to let me know her initial reaction – I think that text will determine whether I go home happy and worry-free or go home wary and quite possibly armed!

    I’ve been having a good laugh and joke with my colleagues today, I’d like to think that this is just down to having a ‘good’ day and my mood is light and not some subconscious coping mechanism that will come back and bite me in the backside later.

    Although we haven’t received confirmation as yet, it looks like the date for surgery will be this coming Monday. Once again, my employers have been extremely understanding when it comes to taking time off so, I’ll be taking Sian to the hospital. I’m still not looking forward to doing so, though. For the rest of the week, I’m just working in the mornings so I’ll be back home, firstly for the kids and secondly, to go to see Sian every visiting opportunity available.

    Initial thoughts from the medical team is that Sian will be in hospital for eight days. So, that’ll be eight sleepless nights for me then! I shall be forever in Sony’s debt following this – the PS3 and Call of Duty: Black Ops are likely to take a hammering! Best dig out the take-away menu’s too....oh, and does anyone know how to drive a washing machine?

    And just to keep you all up to date during Sian’s stay in hospital, I will be keeping the blog up to date for her.
