Sunday 20 February 2011


Today has been quite a difficult day for me (Saturday). Not that I have had bad news, on the contrary with yesterdays appointment but have felt several periods of utter sadness, which has been difficult to control with my children arround but they have been brilliant ('bout only time they are good!) So many highs and lows. Been thinking lots of my friends who has also been affected. Also thinking of the biospy on Monday. Still don't know exactly what treatment/surgery I am having. Another friend previously affected sent me some wise words - until you know what your'e facing your mind will be all over the place. How very true.

This time tomorrow hopefully I would have had the biopsy procedure completed - on the other hand might not as I'm being added as an extra to the list. For some reason I still feel quite low - knowing that things appear favourable is not the same as knowing this to be a fact and is 100 percent true. My mind keeps flicking to tomorrow - looking forward to this long wait for treatment options to be over but feel quite anxious at the same time. Nothing else really to say at this time - other than the next time I blog will be after the biopsy. Please keep any comments comming - as I have previously said to so many of you these comments keeps my mind positive and focused and hopefully others who may be going through this journey (as I am aware too many of us are) can also gain from this support and advice too.

So - of course - will blog again soon!

1 comment:

  1. The unknown is one of the most powerful and overwhelming fears there is. We know that there is also an opposite factor, but until we know for certain, that god damn fear will always niggle away there !! Grrrrrrrr HUGS x
