Sunday 13 February 2011

Home truths/Change

Well, I said it was going to be a good time with my family this weekend - maybe not so good with a very stroppy 11 year old for the entire Saturday and sulky 13 year old when asked to do some homework - can't have it all, I guess. It appears my children have got the idea that I am going to be 'ill' for about 3/4 weeks - and that includes surgery and the entire recovery period! Handled this with a few home truths of what is likley to happen over the next few weeks/months and how this will impact on every day family life. Their behaviours have bought me down - quite a lot - but, somehow we managed to get over this. I say we as my husband has been affected by this just as much as I have. In fact, I would like to say a hugh thank you at this early stage to my husband for his support and a shoulder to cry on as I don't think I could have managed this as well if he wasn't there. I am also aware that he is in a very difficult position - to provide adequate support for me without falling apart himself from worry and fear from the procedures/treatment I am facing, particularly in discussing all of these options. I can only say that he has my entire support and understanding on this - and hopefully with friends rallying round will be able to feel slightly more at ease.

Sunday morning - felt different this morning - as if something has changed. Not sure if it is a good or bad change but nethertheless a change that is permanent. Is this an acceptance thing? Has more of the information sunk in? Funny, most of the time I feel as if I am arming myself with knowledge for a patient going through the same journey-seems like I have passed on the patient experience to hubby! Going out to London today - good to take our minds off things.

In my next posting I will include some informative stuff to raise awareness, and to help others in the same position. At this stage I would also like to thank all my followers and others who have logged onto this blog - I have found the response from readers so far really quite amazing and this does help in dire times. Any questions you might have post them onto comments - although I might not know the information, as a very good friend has said I am a walking/talking book and will endeavour to find out!

1 comment:

  1. Don't read this! No, not you, me! The glut of information currently sitting under our coffee table, on the whole, will remain unread, at least by me.

    One thing I have discovered is that if I'm going to be in the right frame of mind to support Skims through this, then I need to stop filling my head with the details of the surgical side of the treatments. As previously mentioned, I'm not the best when it comes to dealing with that side of things and it's not getting any easier! The most important thing about this though is that I have talked this through with Skims so she knows my lack of 'technical knowledge' is not disinterest or not caring but necessary for me to hold it together enough for her.

    We had a fantastic day yesterday, taking the kids to London and going in the Dungeons, the Aquarium and on the London Eye (twice!!) but the thought that after next month, days like that will not be possible for a year or so was always at the back of my mind.

    Tomorrow we have the first appointment with the plastic surgeon who will be performing the reconstruction part of the surgery. I must admit, I'm pretty aprehensive about that. I'm sure that the procedures that will be used will be discussed in some detail - is 8:30 in the morning too early for a stiff vodka or three to calm the nerves?

    One last thing to say, Happy Valentines day, Skims. Love you loads and we'll beat this together! XXX
