Thursday 17 February 2011

Good days

Had a very good day today - woke up in good time for work, had a reasonable shift, home, dinner, kids, relaxation. Funny how having a decent sleep the night before can improve your mind, let alone mood. Feel very positive and on the up. Not sure how long this will last though as have another appointment at the hospital tomorrow and depending on how well this goes will probably alter my mindset again. Thinking of planning another activity packed weekend as my time for taking advantage of this side of life seems to be drawing to a close for a long while.

Whilst I havn't got much to whinge about (at the moment) once again I would like to thank all followers and readers of this blog. As I have had so many comments on facebook it would be really nice for any comments to be posted onto the posts themselves. This can be done anonymously that can be shared by others - in particular any opinions or advice/suggestions that may also benefit others who may be going through the same thing. To post a comment an account will need to be opened with Google first (see Google accounts via the homepage).

So until my rant tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Hey you know you can have a rant at me anyday! Good luck with today and I hope they come up with a suitable treatment course that can involve copious amounts of alcohol and chocolate to be consumed ;) Thinking of you all x
