Thursday 24 February 2011


Have continued to feel incredibly low the past couple of days. Got myself out earlier today in an attempt to walk into town as was a  nice day - didnt go far though as every step I took put pressure on the surgical site that lead to pain in my arm, hand and fingers. Went to a local shop instead and took a very slow walk home. Did feel better for being out and about. This wait for results feels like some kind of sentence that needs to be carried out that I am not in control of. Got some good things to look forward to this weekend, including my birthday, but feel this will be completely overshadowed if these results do not come in by Friday. I would like to say though that throughout all of this my 13 year old son has been extremely supportive, including cooking a full meal for the family whilst I was asleep, and happy to cook all the family meals - a massive thankyou to my Charlie! Evening was slightly better - felt I could contribute more towards daily activities that made me feel more human and in the living. Still no news of hospital appointment for results - so here's to hoping. A nice cup of tea with an evening of our favourite TV drama and maybee I might just have to break open the chocolate! Until tomorrow..

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